binary search trees

از عنوان نوشته قلبی
خودم "merry eXamZ" خوشم اومد.در همان رستای بچه های درس خوان، توجه شما دوستانی را
که ساختمان داده ها دارید به این مقاله(ها) محترم در مورد binary search trees جلب
می نماید.

search trees

more on
binary search trees

Binary searching, for those who don’t know (no need to raise your hand
in shame), is a method of searching (duh) in which you attempt to
compare as few items in the dataset to the item you are looking for as
possible by halving your dataset with each comparison you make. Hence
the word binary (meaning two).


یک پاسخ به “binary search trees”