JiZZ The Lamer

خرابكاري و مردم آزاري
و به قول رسانه هاي وزين فارسي هك، به قدري اذيت كننده شده است كه كمي طعنه آزار
دهنده نباشد.

Script Kiddies
 Script kiddies are so named due to their reliance on “canned” exploits, often in the form of Perl or shell scripts, rather than on their own code. In many cases, kiddies aren’t even fully aware of the proper use (let alone the full ramifications) of their tools.

Contrary to what you might therefore think, script kiddies are a major rather than a minor threat to Internet-connected systems. Their intangible motivations make them highly unpredictable; their limited skill sets make them far more likely to unintentionally cause serious damage or dysfunction to a compromised system than an expert would cause. (Damage equals evidence, which professionals prefer not to provide needlessly.)

Immaturity adds to their potential to do damage: web site defacements and Denial-of-Service attacks, like graffiti and vandalism, are mainly the domain of the young. Furthermore, script kiddies who are minors usually face minimal chances of serving jail time or even receiving a criminal record if caught.

اجرا كردن يك
rootkit آماده و نداستن اين كه حتي چه كاري مي كنيد، ارزشي ندارد.
چند وقت پيش كه مهران از exploit مي نوشت، يك بنده خدايي
ايميل و پيغام كه پس چرا فقط حرف مي زنيد، اما عزيز دل حرفي كه عمل شده حرف نيست
انتقال تجربه است. اين
جمله كه تو آرشيو جملاتم پيدا كردم چيز جالبيه.

اين بنده خدا هم ،
نوشته How To Become A
ايريك ريموند را ترجمه تميزي كرده اند ، كه lamer
هاي عزيز كه در خواندن اصل آن مشكلي دارند بهانه نداشته باشند.

دیدگاه‌ها بسته شده‌اند.

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